Monday, October 7, 2013


I don't think anyone knows who this guy is without good ol' google here =p. Now, this looks cool and all but it doesn't show the crazy amounts of asymmetry it has... well it does, but half of it's face and head are red like muscle and the right side is some sort of ugly human skin. Half of the face has metal palting and chin guard and the other half has a bone jaw chin guard.

Notice the deformed nose! and no lips on his face! also, the lines on the head are even messier than the ones drawn there but I didn't want to make them even more messier. The horn lines are tighter together and sharper, but I don't know how to do that.


  1. Im digging it, if you get a chance, post a side view as well

  2. I wanted to but the horns get in the way! I'll try to get some side screenshots and do a light coloring of it to show all the asymmetry going on =p
