Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hi, I'm Mo Manning -- Jim invited me to post here, so thank you Jim!  I'm looking forward to browsing through everyone's work.  Primarily, I'm a children's illustrator -- but I love drawing "fantastical" stuff too.

I'm fairly new at Z-brush -- at least in hours spent using it.  I've been giving it a go now and then over the past couple years, but since I'm teaching myself, it's kind of slow.  I'm also trying to learn Maya. (I am subscribed to Digital Tutors, which has helped.)  I seem to get busy and leave the 3D programs  for a few months at a time, then get re-inspired and find that technically I'm pretty much back at square one.  Argh.

Here's my current work in progress (based on one of my 2D illustrations.)  I've been working on it for three days -- made a mistake with the fur rug and it's all fiber-meshed on the underside too :)  I will probably do a few more tweaks with the baby's hair and attempt some textures, but I'm ready to just move on to something new.

Oh -- has anyone done any 3D printing of their models yet?  That's actually my goal (beyond just playing with this software.)



  1. First of all, welcome to Zbrush! we're a small community expecting to grow more, but the good thing about us is that we just enjoy sculpting regardless of what the project is or the level of the artist! we're all in this for the love of art! learning is a big thing here, too, so don't be afraid of asking questions! =D

    And now your project! it's pretty legit. You say you're learning? then you're a quick learner! this has so much movement and character behind it. I dig it!

    As for 3D printing a lot of us have thought of it I'm sure but I'm fairly certain none of us has =p

  2. This is really cool, love the clean sculpt here. Welcome....and 3D printing anything would be super cool at some point.

  3. Hey Mo, people on here Im sure don't realize that your a successful illustrator or that you just learned zbrush on your own. Great sculpt! The whispy hair is priceless. I remember this stage with my daughters, one day they are a blob in the middle of the floor and you can vacuum right around them and they stay wherever you put them... two days later they racing across the carpet at alarming speeds, usually towards whatever room is unsafest, and furthest away from you. Rachel used to speed crawl down a long hall and go into the master bedroom because she wanted to look at herself in the mirrored closet doors.

  4. Ha, yep -- memories of mischievous tykes are what drives most of my illustration work. :) So cute!

    Thanks for the welcome. Kay, I have tons of questions. It will be nice to know other zbrushers so I can ask instead of spending hours finding answers through trial-and-error.
