Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Halloween in Zketch!

Hullo, Kay here.

Do we have enough people interested on doing a special Halloween sketch? Something very Zketch, which means you can do a little or a lot. It would also not be a competition but more of a festive way of celebrating Halloween cause it's awesome; It's about monsters and candy, how could it not be great?

We could take 5-8 days to make the special sketches. Again, the work put into them depends on how much you want to do, Zketch is open minded!

If you'd like to participate just leave a message here or post some ideas to get some feedback. If we get enough entries we'll make our own Halloween special page to store our sketches there!

Also, embrace Zketch-- no, that's getting pretty cult like, Imma just stop now. =D


  1. I'm always up for halloween sculpting

  2. Halloween!!! I'm sure that those who don't like to be social would still post on the special Halloween page, right?

    This is good. This is a good thing. Halloween is. =p

  3. I'm interested . . . is there a plan?

  4. Just post whatever halloween related thing you'd like to post. In all honesty, no one's really posting much, so I don't think there's a need for a special page =p
