Tuesday, October 8, 2013



  1. first of all welcome to Zketch!

    the lights on the dragon are really fantastic. Id like to light stuff like that but I kill things when I light them. Really well sculpted too, lots of details. I'm a little uncertain on the size of the head and wings but thats a design thing and thats beyond me =p

    The one I really dig is the alien shark. The concept of it is really nice and the execution is fantastic and really clean to be "messy" =p again, the render is pretty killer. I'd have one as a pet-- or a mount, and ride it through space punching asteroids-- but I digress! nice job.

  2. I really like this dragon like creature. I am wondering whay the sculpt would look like with just the SkinShade4 material and make the color 50 % grey. Then do a BPR render with some nice shadow settings along with AO. This will give you a nice representation of what the sculpt really looks like. I also like to turn on the floor so you get a shadow on the ground plane as well. Then make sure you crop your image with a nice nice composition. Very nice work though! :)

  3. Cool improvements from the last time Iv seen you Kat! GJ :)
