Sunday, October 6, 2013

30 or 40 Minute Sculpt of an Alien Thing

Just started playing around, thinking about finishing it. Don't know what I want to do with its limbs yet though, so any ideas are welcome.


  1. Ohmai. That neck! it's fantastic! also the pecs look really great. The face reminds me of a turtle! I dig it.

    For the limbs you could do the thin forearms big hands with 3 chubby fingers, or you could completely thin on everything. What if his arms are detached from the body and are floating around? =O or he has 3 legs!? that'd be cool.

  2. thanks man, ya I think the really thin arms would be cool, and I've started playing with the more than two legs idea. Thanks for the feedback

  3. Yeah this is a great start, I cant wait to see him finished.
