Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

From Zketch! Happy Halloween! and here's the little sweets witch that steals kid's candy... and their souls too! A little inspired by Souleater. Isn't she cute?


  1. Ha!! Love it! That hat is hysterical. Love the final composition too, with the stars in her wake. And yes, she's very cute -- in a creepy way, LOL. Look at her evil eyes while she licks her lips.

    1. Yeah she's cute! and mean. And she really enjoys candy-- specially made with souls.

      The hat is something I've been carrying for the longest time. In summer school in high school, I designed a superhero that was a magician and had a hat like this but never really became a cartoon creator, so the idea is just floating around... so I gave a similar one to her =p
