Friday, October 18, 2013

Hey guys, here's some of my stuff that I worked on last week. Thanks for letting me be here. Critiques welcomed!


  1. Nice man! This turned out well! Welcome btw :)

  2. Hey Brian, welcome and nice work, I especially like the lower one, reminds me of a zombie or alien infected Lenin. The tiger stripes on the back are a nice touch, I feel they would work better if they were just a little lighter. The first sculptI like the furrowed lines in the cheeks the forehead doesn’t seem nearly as resolved as in the Lenin piece. Welcome and thanks for posting.

  3. Welcome to Zketch. And just like the above posters said, this is pretty nice.

    The horns on the first one are pretty nice! must have taken some time to get there huh? The merman also looks nice, cool textures and all... I'm just going to be picky on the design here but I'm not sure if mermen need a nose? They are depicted having one and everything, but it'd be cooler if it had a flat surface there with two lone nostrils and have gills on the neck! =p

  4. thanks guys, I agree the lines on hornman doesn't flow good, I will rework him. The horns were the easiest and fastest to make. For my merman, I feel like adding those features would be too familiar, so I envisioned him to be in the process of evolving.
