Saturday, November 9, 2013

I still got it, I think.

Just to show that I think I still have 'dem prop modeling skills =p


  1. I do not know how to do this!!! Great job . . . MAD prop modeling skills.

  2. It's unwrapped and I have a low poly version for games. Untextured, and I never got the transfer normals to work (all this info is for those that do gaming related stuff! =p).

    Thanks mo! I was wondering if I could still do those, since I never had issues in school with props, but did with lights, and since I'm considered a bad character modeler, I had to try to see if I still could do these.

  3. You have definitely "still got it" :) I'm noticing all the really awesome modelers who pick already-drawn art to tackle. I think there are just so many different things that jobs that to be done, people who focus on a narrower aspect are really going to stand out. I guess that's why game and animation companies need so many employees :) Makes me worried when I think I have given myself the goal of doing a whole children's book, characters, environments, props, renders and all. I may finish it before I turn 90.

    1. That's a lot of work! but if anyone can do it, you can! just repeat that to yourself! =p

      I'll keep working on things and keep modeling and get better so I can finally get a job >< everyone will see! =D

  4. This is awesome, man! Would be way cool to bake the AO and normal map down and put this in an engine. xNormal is really easy for baking the maps and is probably the fastest with the best results. I would love to see some final polish versions of this guy. :D

    1. Really? I have the low poly one like I said, but the Maya normal baking is just not nice to me =x I'll have to try xNormal then, but last time I did my computer went loopy xp
