Sunday, September 15, 2013

Something I finished recently. O.O *planing on posting at least 1 new thing every morning*


  1. Digging the hair sculpting. What brushes did you use for it? Share the secret! =p

    The clothes could use some bumpy texturing too. He's a working dwarf! He needs clothes that can take on metal smashing all day!

  2. ^ removed the previous comment to add to it.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I create the overall form with any brush that can make large manipulations such as Move Elastic or Move Topological even the Clay brushes will do.

    I actually use a combination of Clay Buildup with smooth to create directional hair clumps and then I go over the top of it with Slash3 or Dam Standard both additive(creates highlights) and subtractive(helps define highlights) to create a Hair texture.

  3. Very nice. That's a really nice sculpted hair and beard! we all could learn from it.
