Sunday, September 22, 2013

250 5%

250 lbs, 5% body fat! Yeah! Going for a The Rock or Terry Crews build here for this quick body sketch. This is how a guy should look? I think it's a little too out there, but close, no? =p


  1. I think the chest is a little wide, you want to be able to see the sides of the pecs, then the serratus, then the lats from the front. where it cuts to the deltoid is ok, i just think at that point it would come down more of an angle towards the body

  2. the lower back is looking good.

  3. I totally see where you're coming from for the deltoids. The pecs too, I dunno, I think I need better reference too. I'll tweak this and post here later an updated version!. I'll make herein arrangements as soon as I can!

  4. I'm learning to be more subtle with forming muscles as it was pointed out to me that some of my forms seemed a bit exaggerated. This looks better than most that i have done.

  5. Thanks Robert. I'm not subtle with muscles! I know I should, but I always go like "let's make this Arnold on his prime" or "let's try The Rock's Hercules body" and even though I try hard to not do something like this... steroids always get in the way =p
