Sunday, September 29, 2013

Some Alien Donkus

Just a classic, Alien looking thing this time, with some flat surfaces going here and there and extremely humanoid-- cept no ears. I just did this super quick for the day to not lose the grip!. Also, donkus is a term for loser, but people on the internet use it for other purposes... then again, no matter what people say, every single damn word means something sexual now days. X<


  1. I dig the front silhouette, I just want to see great big veins in the side of his skull, I dont know why.

  2. Because when he telepathically talks to others those veins should pump up and down? =O

    I feel like it's very flat-- the design I mean. I meant for it to be sort of a really edgy, flat surfaced guy. I'd like to add more stuff to it though.
