Monday, August 4, 2014



  1. The body is fine, the texture of the skin works. What sort of settings did you use for this render?

    The face, however, doesn't say stripper. It says more clown than stripper. You need to go to google and check how make up is applied, what kind of combination works, what each part means, how they look when affected by light and all. It's a complete new universe putting make up on a character ESPECIALLY if you paint it on without a plan =p

  2. I think the make up is ok. The eye shadow could probably use a bit more finessing. The glaring issue for me are the deltoids. It feels like she has very small or weak deltoids when her type of employment should be giving her strong or fit looking arms. Hair is also tricky. I'd take a Look around the internets to see if you can find some different ways that other artist make hair in ZBrush. Maybe try sculpting it instead of using fiber mesh. Otherwise, a successful sculpt. :)

  3. thanks William your critiques are always welcomed

  4. Well that is rude but I guess I'll have to be more specific: Make up isn't right because:

    -Lipstick doesn't go around the lips. Right now it's applied around the circumference of the mouth which is wrong.

    -Lipstick has 0 brightness or gloss. it must have it if it's a stripper.

    -Eyebrows are painted, yes, but those are too thick and not feminine enough.

    -Blush is too strong and not blended

    -No prominent eyelashes

    -Shadow is not blended and it's a single, strong color going on. A stripper would have at least 2, in an oval shape most of the time and faded with blending.

    -No glitter.

    For anatomy don't mind the deltoids, William, the head is too big for the torso. The chin is very manly strong and yeah, sculpted hair would look cooler than fiber mesh.

  5. Lol I didn't mean it like that your being to sensitive I said that because William has been helping me lately and I appreciate that I never said your critique wasn't helpful

