Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Planar Head Study 2

So i managed to add in the asymmetrical detailed design in the planar head study and worked around the proportions. Calling it done for now.


  1. I was going to comment on the other one... but you posted an update here! so I'll comment on this one.

    First of all, welcome to Zketch. It's a tiny community-- we have a lot of contributors but few actually post-- but one day we'll get bigger and all that... uh... oh yeah! thanks for joining and enjoy your stay!

    I like this. Reminds me of the foam heads we had for reference in the anatomy class. I like how you show how your thinking goes around when it comes to topology and you have the low to mid poly one thing going on. Very instructional, actually =p

  2. Very nice form in this. Love the nose :)

  3. Loved it. It helped. Thanks.
