Wednesday, December 10, 2014

different girl

this is not the same girl from yesterday this one was done from scratch today, i didn't have enough time to make her unique or put details i did this tutoring someone

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

ZBrush stuff for Shadow of Revan

During the last year, this is some of the stuff I've been up to at work...  :)

 Check this out for in game screenshots...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Adding two more textures to the folio

Programs used:  Zbrush, Photoshop, and xNormal.
Both of these were great learning exercises in using normal maps, displacement maps, and cavity maps during the texturing process.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Cant stop doing textures...

Here's a marmoset render of the normal for a rocky dirt texture I've been working on lately on my free time.

Colors of the face...

The shadows in your renderings have gotten a lot better in the last few months.  :)  Heres a quick tip on colors of the face...  first, the skin is too saturated.  I pulled that back quite a bit. also, different areas of the face tend to have different "under colors." grey or blue along the beard, red cheeks and nose, and yellow forehead and cranium.  here is an image I found on the goog that exagerates this a bit.

sorry i keep posting the same guy but here is my last render for this guy

quick paint

quick one

Friday, October 31, 2014


Halloween 2014: She's back! =O

Keeping with tradition (now it will be), SHE is back. She's a ghost, btw, and she won't be denied candy this Halloween.

I had to make this real quick, 2-3 hours or so? Cause I wanted to but I don't have time to do this cause of my other projects, but it was fun and I love to design these characters on the go.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Building Set Update

So I've been pretty busy at work and progress has been slow.  But now that the Shadow of Revan expansion is wrapping up, I hope to have more time to devote on this project.  Here is an update: got a wall sculpt done and built a test low poly in UE4 to help with texture map creation. So far no photographs have been used in the texturing process.

Still very much a W.I.P.