Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mini Art Dump!!

Hey everyone.  I was pretty happy with the way my last post (the tiling rock texture) came out, so I decided to do a mini set of terrain textures.  Using ZBrush, I made a rock/dirt texture and a sand texture to go with the original rock texture. Then I combined them into one material in UDK and using vertex painting, blended the three together into something that resembles a piece of terrain from an open world game like SW:TOR or Skyrim.  Here are some stills showing the Zbrush sculpts, the material set-up in Unreal, and the final comp.  enjoy!  :)

And the Video:


  1. This is beautiful and inspiring in so many ways! Thanks for sharing :D

  2. Thanks, man. I plan on using these textures and material in a much larger, fully developed scene sometime soon. I'm just proving some pipeline techniques in this demo before I really jump in. :)

  3. What the actual holy living supreme cabbage?!

    That's it. It's settled. I have to try something like this now. Probably something more hard surface and sci fi, but this is definitely something I want to try-- cept for the whole kismet stuff. I've no idea what's going on in there and I applaud you for having this amazing knowledge to know what's going on in there =p

  4. I'm glad you're going to tryout this technique, Kay. Let me know what you think, and if you try anything new. Can't wait to see what you make. :)

  5. One question, how were you able to sculpt in that mesh in zbrush yet create a tileable texture out of it? wouldnt the extreme sculpted areas near the eges get pushed too far and effect the tiling? :O i'd LOVE to see a video/pipeline you approached in creating these tileable textures :D

  6. Hey Travis. I made this little tut a while back for Zketch. It shows the basic principle of how I went about making the tiling textures. I didn't bring the example to a high polish like I normally would but I did for the textures above using the technique in the link.

